“I’m a Doctor: When I make mistakes – people DIE.”

I’ve been saying it for a full week now, and it simply hasn’t gotten old. Suffice to say (and given the abdominal work out provided by last week’s House (MD!)), I’m fairly to moderately pumped for this week’s episode. I’ve seen the preview. It looks even sassier than last week’s treasure. Check it out tonight at 9 PM if you’re so inclined.

Well, there’s a lot to blog about today. (Translation: This will likely be another marathon post that no one wants to read in its entirety – too bad suckers!)


Thusday, November 18th, 2004

I mention this day because it is the day my “drama dream” was realized. The Seattle “25 for 25” (previously mentioned) is going on and Cristin set up a dinner at one of the restaurants. (We ended up going to the Market Street Grill – which was excellent and makes for me hitting 13 of the 25 involved restaurants to date). Anyway, the guest list at this dinner included myself, Gwendolyn, Cristin, George, Michele, Dave O (Michele’s new man – a resident in Cristin’s class), and two other residents not so involved in the drama circle. The whole event felt very “couply”, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Anyway, the whole thing went down well and I was glad. And despite the lack of good story potential, I feel a hell of a lot better about things.

Friday, November 19th, 2004

My birthday. I didn’t have to go to work because I took the last day of my research month off. I slept in. Then I got up, went out and did some shopping. Eventually I found myself in a Best Buy where I bought the Simpson’s season 4 DVD and Half-Life 2. Gwen got me a Transformers soundrack (which I had been missing since my SECOND copy was stolen back during 4th year of med school in New Orleans). I’ve always had a special relationship with said soundtrack. It’s got some sweet stuff from seriously bad (so bad it’s good) hard rock songs to cool techno fight songs to the ultimate pick-me-up songs “The Touch” and “Dare”. Needless to say, I put that disc right in the player and rocked out while Gwen and I got ready for dinner. Gwen also got me this really cool “Bone” collection. (Bone is a graphic novel (Joel!) which Eryn could describe better than I – a really great gift, regardless).

For dinner, we went to a ritzy sushi place called “Nishino’s”. My boy Pete (and his taint) and I had the chef’s special dinner, which costs 65 bucks and needs to be pre-ordered. It was elaborate and fantastic, and featured some things I’ve never eaten before, and certainly don’t remember the names of now. It was all quite succulent.

After dinner, those who were able to go (i.e. not working Saturday) went out to a local bar. Eventually, the crowd included myself, Gwen, George, Cristin, my med school friend John, and his date Jackie. Additionally, my wicked-cool-goth cousin Heath showed up for some drinks and dazzled us with stories. Lastly, one John-boy Clemmens showed up. We had a good time. People started leaving one by one, until it was just Gwen, Heath, John boy and I. Finally, Heath left and Gwen, John and I cruised back to my pad. Gwen was pretty sauced, and passed out unceremoniously when we arrived home. This, of course, freed up John boy and I to play Twisted Metal: Black, which we did until about 4:30 in the morning. Just like the old days. Overall, it was a great night.

I’m now 29 years old.

Saturday, November 20th, 2004

I woke up with a mild hangover, but nothing that a tomato juice, coffee, water, and a little Rosebud brunch couldn’t fix. The rest of the day was spent lounging, napping, and relaxing. Gwen got a craving for sushi (tuna, particularly), and thus I indulged her and we got more sushi on Saturday night. Gwen is definitely developing a taste for the stuff (which I strongly encourage, of course). We went to Shiro’s (and old favorite of mine). From there, we cruised to a cool bar/movie theatre place in downtown Seattle and caught a show of “Garden State”. I enjoyed the film – review at Mick Flick’s soon.

Sunday, Novemeber 21st, 2004

Slept in again and then cruised down to the old sports bar to catch some NFL. I would have taken the day off of football viewing, only the Giants were starting Eli Manning this week and I thought I’d better see how the future of the franchise played. Surprisingly, he did OK. His receivers KILLED him, especially in the first half, amassing at least 6 dropped passes. But the kid only got sacked once, and only made a couple of total rookie looking plays. On the other hand, he put some nice throws up and looks like he might have some potential. So there it is. The old Giants are starting to slide backward, which is well what I expected. I would give a lot to see them beat Philly next week, but I’m certainly not counting on it. We’ll see, I suppose.

Monday, November 22nd, 2004

A day off. I have the whole week off, which feels great. I ran around doing errands most of the day and arranging to have my car get new tires (which happened today). I also had my house cleaned. The service I hired sent a flamingly gay guy (aptly named “Peter”) who has hilarious. I think he was trying to feel out whether or not I was gay in the beginning with questions like “Do you have a favorite bar over here?” and such. It was pretty funny, and for half a second I was tempted to say “So you’re finished, huh? You know, there is just ONE more thing…” (Cue the music). Damn it’s got to be easy for gay men to hook up. They’re both GUYS, after all. Nothing happened, unfortunately, but on the upside my place looks great.

Which brings me to today. Got new tires on the car. Slept in again. I’m awaiting the arrival of Adam and Diana into town tomorrow, which should be a blast. Hope those guys are ready for some metro-sexual city livin’! (I wonder if Adam packed his rubber shirt…)

Anyways, I best be off. That’s the recent haps.

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