This blog officially supports John Kerry for President. Sadly, I can’t do this in “real life”, mostly because I’m not registered. Why, you ask? Simple, really. Because I never got around to it. On one hand, it’s a difficult thing to understand. On the other, and for those who know me, it’s pretty simple.

Given the amount of painstaking time I spend at work making sure a lot of administrative tasks happen (and happen in a timely manner), it’s no shock that I tend to let these things lapse at home. (The last thing I want to do when I get home at night is do paperwork, especially after my long days at work, which are essentially filled with it). I routinely pay my bills late (before autopay, that is). Hell, I paid my taxes in AUGUST this year. That’s right – August. I just got my refund 3 weeks ago. So, when the voter registration deadline rolled around a few weeks back, it caught me off guard and I wound up unregistered. Sadly unregistered. I kept telling myself I’d get to it eventually. I’ve never missed a presidential election I was eligible for before. This is the first. Tough one to miss, too. I certainly support voting at all costs. If there is a bright side, though, it’s that Washington should go to Kerry so my vote likely won’t cost anything. (Though I generally don't subscribe to that non-voting philosophy).

Anyway, it bums me out. I kind of like voting.

For the good of the world…go Kerry.

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