I’m at an interesting point right now. I’ve done some good things over the past week (see below). I’m also afraid, frankly, for what the not-too-far future holds in store for me and others.

I’m bummed about the election results. I can’t lie. My part of Seattle is bummed too. There is a palpable sadness hanging around the district – my coffee shop is running at half steam. Faces are sagging. Gay men are frightened. And hell, why shouldn’t they be? I hate George Bush more than any other politician. It’s his ignorant arrogance that gets me more than anything. Now that bastard thinks he has a “mandate” (most overused word of the week, btw). Good luck world. Hello Canada.

On a personal level, I’m now 100% sure I will be in either Iraq or Afghanistan for a year of my life at some point in the next 4 years. No, I’m not thrilled about it. I don’t look forward to the moral dilemmas that face me there. The medicine part will be easy, and most likely noble. But what happens when I stumble on Abu Gharib part 2 and I need to report it ? It’s this sort of thing that worries me. Oh, that and landmines, random mortar fire, packs of feral dogs, and RPG’s. Should be good other than that, though. Hello post-tramautic stress disorder. I hear you are a harsh mistress. Bring it. (And with any luck, maybe I’ll star in my own internet beheading video!!!)

Sorry, I had to say my piece. See my post on the WCD for true, unmasked bitterness, devoid of all hope.

On the good side (and yes, there is a bright side), I’ve spent the past week cleaning up a few personal messes.

My friend Pete always refers to my tendency to date people from work and in the same circles as my “being a master of shitting in my own backyard.” Well finally, I’m re-sodding the yard, so to speak. Should have done it long ago.

So not all is bad. This weekend I don’t have too much planned. Just relax, drink away my election sorrows, and watch some football.

Could be worse. And in a year or two I suspect it will be.

Have a good weekend.

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