Greetings Blog from the East Siiiiiide! (*throws up PHAT East side gang sign in your fiz'nace*)

Well, here I am, back near my roots - here on the East Coast. I'm typing away from my cousin's house here in Northern New Jersey, caught somewhere between the moon and New York City. Thirty minutes away from said city, to be exact.

It's Saturday night/Sunday morning and jet lag prevents me from sleeping, so I'd thought I'd throw up a little teaser entry regarding the weekend while smack dab in the middle of it. It's been fun so far and good to see the fam. Today was my cousin Tara's wedding - a good hearty italian affair - more later.

So far the weekend has given me a lot of time with the immediate fam as well as the extended fam. There's been a lot of East coast 'tude all over the place, but I wouldn't haven't any other way out here.

Anyway, before I launch into some sort of full bore post, I'll cut this off. Basically, anyone who reads this blog can look forward to some zerious postin' about a number of things including:


"...if you get caught between the moon and New York Citt-eee, there's, 'cept FALL IN LOVE..."