Behold the Power of Unfettered Ignorance Seeking Attention

I'm pretty sure that if you sat down and really tried your hardest to come up with a group more antagonistic to just about everybody in the country, you still couldn't beat the Westboro Baptist Church group, which of course infamously protests at service members' funerals claiming they "deserved" to die because God hates homosexuals.

Strong work fundamentalists, nice work on helping society along with your message.

In related news, I'm pretty sure this poor Marine's father must be pulling his hair out on a nightly basis.

Can you imagine having an actual conversation with one of these Westboro folk'll that didn't involve you awkwardly backing away wide eyed and horrified?

Coming in a distant second is that awesome Michigan militia group, the one that decided that killing a single cop followed by killing a bunch of cops at the subsequent funeral might be a good idea to springboard their movement against the entire Federal Government.

Why do I feel like their basement meetings talking about their ideology played out like a creepy SNL sketch?

Here is that group's leader:

Why do I also feel like there is a barista at some Michigan Starbucks that has known this guy was crazy for months?

(To a manager) "Dude, that guy came in again today. He ain't right...."

I just know that happened.


Anonymous said...

I still maintain that you should KNOW your group is batshit crazy when Bill Freaking O'Reilly thinks you're nuts.


Unknown said...

I'm happy with the 'nuts' label. I hope you fill it up.

It'd be nice if God would post a list somewhere of everything category of person (s)he hates. That'd make it easier for us to justify some of our failures. said...

some of those crazy people were in our neighborhood recently. They were angry about something (who knew!).