Michael Doesn't Blog Here Anymore

I've been staring at this blog for a few weeks now trying to think of a way to dive back in. Not really knowing where to start, I decided to give myself ten good minutes and just type what comes to mind in the hopes of jump starting this thing. We'll see how it goes.

A lot has happened since my last post. A LOT. THAT post was written from the other side of the pond, in my now distant apartment in Kaiserslautern, Germany. THIS post comes to you live from Carlsbad, California. THAT post was written by a soldier. THIS post is being written by a civilian (though still a government worker - only more "DMV" than "Be all you can be".) THAT post, was written by a man about to undergo a lot of transition. THIS post is being written by a man who is living large in routine city. THAT post was written by a man who loved bears. THIS post, well, actually same thing. Bears rule.

And there it is. A lot has changed. A LOT. I'm not going to try and cover it in one fell swoop. Who says I have to? I don't. And I won't. (That's probably what has kept me away for so long - the thinking that I should.) But I will put a few words to the page again, just to get started. And see where things go from there. Hopefully just getting going will make it easier to type the next post, and the next and so on. We shall see.

And there it is - ten minutes is up. (Sad but true. I don't type slow, but I think, write, proofread, and edit slow when it comes to posting here.)

Stick around, maybe I'll surprise you.

(Does anyone still read this thing? I suppose the comments will be the judge of that.)

This guy still knows how to party! (After a Vegas Bachelor Party Summer 2010)


R said...

I do! Or rather, Google Reader feeds reads your RSS feed and I read Google Reader.

BTW, it's not summer yet.

Unknown said...

The beard was worth the wait.

Adman said...

Google reader for the win!

Discostup said...

It's true, the picture was from Summer 2009; I did not in fact travel in time.

eryn_roston@yahoo.com said...

welcome back

Gabriel said...

Hey stranger...