Left Turn at Albuquerque?

(I'm not sure if this sign indicates that dogs in this area aren't allowed to "make waste" at all, or rather if they're just not allowed to be so damn fired up about it.)

Well, despite the prior potential of not having to go to Texas, I officially leave for El Paso on Saturday. And in doing so, I must say that I will feel honored to be a part of yet another brazen display of brilliantly masterminded military logistics.

Distance from Frankfurt to Kuwait: 2326 miles

Distance from Frankfurt to El Paso: 5631 miles

Distance from El Paso to Kuwait: 7900 miles


Things are getting steadily crazier around here as the time to departure nears. I'm in charge of 2 houses, 2 mailboxes (at work), 3 cars, and of course on top of that have to get all my army shit ready to go "downrange" as well as tuck in about 5,000 little things at work prior to leaving. And without Gwendolyn around - the highly refined engine of task-mastery that she is - I'm definitely feeling a little overwhelmed with all the little labors that need doing prior to my departure. But I'm getting there, slowly.

More to come as the week progresses. I'm glad I got a chance to spend my last free Saturday night doing something fun here in Germany. Through some colleagues at work, and their local German neighbors, I went "Kegeling" (pronounced "Kay-gull-ing" - and unforntunately having nothing to do with female pelvic strengthening exercises), which is the German equivalent of bowling, only a lot more varied and fun - and involving lots of betting. I took some pics, and will post about that soon enough. But it was definitely a good time.

And for the record, I still don't have a future address in Kuwait, yet. When I get it - I'll post it. More to follow.


Anonymous said...

Dude... good luck in Kuwait, not to mention El Paso...

As always let us know if you need anything "downrange" from the States that we can provide...

I hope "kegeling" Mick isn't like bowling Mick, but it sounds like he had fun, so Germany dodged a bullet there.

Discostup said...

Ha! You can rest assured I was going to make plenty of "Mick goes bowling" jokes in the full post - still I realized saying I went "German Bowling" might have people running to cnn.com to check for any international incidents...

"American Soldier snaps - loses it at German bowling alley because he 'wasn't playing well' - several injured..."

Alas, no such thing happened and a good time was had by all.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Mick goes bowling. I was there that night or was it several nights?? You'll be unhappy to learn Sunset Bowl is no more.


Gabriel said...

Best wishes on what sounds to be a pretty routine army screw up.

Good call Iwan on the bowling. How far home did you have to angrily walk afterwards? Did you run into any drunk nurses? And Mick in case you hadn't heard, Sunset Bowl is closed :(
