I'm a Sold-ja, I thout I told-ja....

So Gwen has been ordered to go to Iraq again. The details of all this are on her blog, which I've also linked to on the side.

(When reading, keep in mind that Gwen's blog was designed for our parents and other assorted family mostly, and thus it lacks some of the sass that I think it would otherwise have. Despite this, Gwen's hatred of the military comes out in flying colors, and it should prove enjoyable for those who know her. She's also one of the best writers I know.)

She's supposed to deploy in January, as of now. However, there are no orders currently, and there is a segment in the command who feel that the unit she is PROFISED (attached) to may not go at all. So it's all up in the air again. The key word, of course, is again.

I started a much longer post about my latest thoughts on being in the military, but I'm too tired to really finish it. Perhaps another time. (Here's a preview, though, being in the military EFFING SUCKS!)

In other news, the Giants had a sweet come-from-behind win on Sunday night that had me all sorts of pumped. I was watching the game at about 2 am, Monday morning, live, and doing everything I could on that last drive to keep quiet while Gwen was sleeping upstairs. Unbelievable. And as happy as I was with that, only hours earlier I was left shaking my head in disbelief when the Chargers failed to finish off the lamest team in the NFL. Oh the ups and downs of another NFL Sunday. Nothing beats it, I say.

I'm tired this week from the hospitalist call. My team is a depressing lot of mostly social cases. There's 6 people currently - 1 end-stage cancer patient, 1 drunk, 1 surly homeless guy with a debilitating stroke, 1 essentially helpless to move himself 400-pound guy, 1 morbidly depressed old German lady with a urinary tract infection, and 1 demented-as-hell old guy with nowhere to be placed (on hospital day 120) all while his dead-beat family steals his service checks and never comes to see him. Ah, to be a healer, people. Can't wait until Friday when I go off service.

Let's take this time, here at the end of the post, to review the Army Values (no shit here - there's a poster in the hallway outside my office):

Selfless Service
Personal Courage

As a soldier, it's my job to always keep these in mind - even when invading foreign lands solely for profit.



eryn_roston@yahoo.com said...

That picture prefectly encapsulates the spirit of the temrs listed on the poster hanging outside your office

Anonymous said...

I happen to know the poster is purely decorative, as you long ago committed the 7 army values to memory (cue Marcum video here). Also reassuring that medicine in Germany is no different that stateside...your training has prepared you well thanks to the VA.

Discostup said...

Yup, gonna have to fix that....

Discostup said...

OK, fixed - unfortunately future comments will need a word verification step, but eff those spam comments.

And John - yes the postures are all the same over here - once again I can re-memorize every line on "W's" Simian mug as that guy is every 20 feet in this place. I just keep wondering what the German National employees (handymen, cleaners, etc) think when the walk by it . (Sadly, they probably have a less visceral reaction than I do...)

Discostup said...

er, 'postures' = posters in the above comment.