Discoblog - the Evolution

As you can see, this blog is sort of undergoing a little renovation. New title. New description. New comments style. New template (sort of). And most of all, perhaps, new audience. Once upon a time, back in the day, this thang' was targeted exclusively at the San Diego faithful. And only they knew about it, frankly. Now residency is over and I live in Germany - land of the funboys. And it's time for all to share. Come one, come all. Med student peeps, ex-resident colleagues, and various others. You might say that old Stup is all growns'ed up. (With one look at that moustache picture, however, you'd realize you were completely wrong, but whatever.) In any case, welcome newcomers - and enjoy my (often inane) ramblings, pictures, and the rest of it. And don't be afraid to comment.

In other news:

1) I'm officially out of credit debt for the first time in like 10+ years.

2)I officially beat "Hulk: Ultimate Destruction" on my playstation last night - that game rocked.

3)Because of Colombus Day on Monday and a (hard to explain for non-military types) training holiday this Friday, we have a 4-day weekend coming up and Gwen and I are heading to Paris. (Looks like its officially time for me to bust out the leather American Flag jacket and sock it to the Frenchies but good.)


eryn_roston@yahoo.com said...

Get those frenchies!

I finally got around to reading your Octoberfest Extravaganza. Good stuff! I must say that this funboy: http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/873/331/1600/DSC03265.jpg

didnt look so fun. Are you sure he wasnt aobut to kick your ass?


Anonymous said...

Dude - so there was this nurse I used to work with, he was very aggravating. I could never remember his name, but when I talked about him, people knew who I was speaking about, cause I called him "Porn-stash."

I now dub thee, Porn-stash.

Discostup said...

Sadly James,

The "Porn Stash" is a distant memory - but a great one nevertheless. Maybe when they send me to Iraq I'll grow it back...