"Rumble. Transform.  Operation - Tidal wave" 

I just got the first disc of The Transformers ™ sent to me from netflix.  I just watched the first 2 episodes ever.  The coolest!  I’m hooked all over again. 

I remember way too much about the old autobots and decepticons – it’s cool to revisit them.  I plan on watching every episode over time.

Not too much else to report.  Some of you may be aware of my (and George’s) fascination with our friend Pete’s taint.  I’d explain, but anyone who really knows me already knows why it’s funny.  It’s like explaining “POT!”. Anyway, some of the other residents have started to pick up on our near constant joking about Pete’s taint.  (He really does have the best taint – ever).  Anyway, at about 9:15 this morning, George and I were walking to the clinic and we heard an overhead page on the hospital loud speaker system.  Normally, such pages are “Will Dr. Smith please call the Emergency Room” or “Will Anne Jackson please return to the surgical waiting room”.  Well today, we heard “Will Pete Staint please return to the GI Clinic”.  George and I busted up and called the hospital operator to clarify the page.  It turns out our chief resident had set the whole thing up, Bart Simpson prank-call style, essentially putting us all in stitches.

That’s right – we’re professional doctors, and we’re abusing the overhead paging system.  And we love Pete’s taint!


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