Hot Times – Summer in the City

It’s Sunday night and nearly time for bed. Given some of the limitations I’ve put on myself for this blog in limiting female drama discussions, I will say that most of my weekend is off limits. And I’m sticking to my guns with it this time.

Tomorrow I start my neurology rotation (“I forgive you – I just hope my neurologist feels the same”). I’m not exactly giddy with anticipation. For internal medicine types, neurology tends to be a little on the dry side. Plus, the rotation is all clinic (and clinic = pain) and there is also some overnight call involved (boo!). It’s “home call” – but that won’t exactly apply to me because I live too far away now to go home and come back. (Neurology residents wouldn’t be allowed to live as far from the hospital as I do as a rule). Oh well, I’ll just spend my call nights at the hospital or at Pete’s house (who lives close), which is just another excuse for me to nestle with his taint. Done and done.

I saw “The Village” yesterday, the latest from M. Night Shyamalan. It certainly deserves a review. Let’s see if I ever get to it or not. (Probably not). For now I’ll only say that I was so amused with the notion that Adrien Brody plays the LITERAL “Village Idiot”. That concept, as is the concept of a “village idiot” in general, has been cracking me up all weekend. Village idiots = good stuff.

Today I got up, made some breakfast. Then I walked up to Volunteer Park (roughly a 15 minute walk from my pad) to check out an ultimate disc game I had found online. I didn’t go to play, but rather just watch and see. Looks like a good group, so maybe I’ll suit up and toss the old disc around when I get back from Montana. On the way back, I stopped off at a bagel shop and read some New York times. Headed back here, worked on the place, worked out, ran some errands, and now it’s time to go to sleep. I wish there were more hours in the day.

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