It’s nearly 2 o’clock in the morn and I’m trying to get tired enough to go to bed and resume a somewhat normal schedule after 4 straight night shifts in the ER. Tomorrow (or technically later today), I work at 3 pm and stay until midnight. I didn’t do anything too exciting this weekend. Mostly that was because of work.

There is still a lot of drama with my current female situation. It has been occupying a lot of my thoughts over the past week. It’s sort of a touchy situation, basically me trying to separately but conjointly date two women for a temporary period to see who I’d be better off investing more time with (and unfortunately cutting the other one loose). It’s a little more complicated than just that, but that’s basically the gist. I’m currently being very honest and open with everyone involved, for which I’m glad. I’ve gotten into trouble in the past by being less forthright (not lying, but rather just not being direct or open). Sadly, someone’s feelings are eventually going to get hurt regardless, and friendships will likely be affected as well. And we all work in the same building, making things likely to be even more awkward and unpleasant. But oh well, we’re all adults right? (*AWKWARD CHUCKLE*)

Other random thoughts:

-I’ve watched no more than 2 minutes (total) of NCAA basketball this year. This is mildly depressing. Between my work schedule and me not having cable (or even an antenna for CBS), my entire tournament experience has basically been score updates and me holding my sorry bracket and frequently crossing off teams. My final four: Gonzaga (ouch), Duke, Pitt, and NC State. Um, not good. Oh well, hopefully this year the tournament hasn’t been that exciting and I’m not missing anything.

-There was a patient in the ER the other night who was brought in drunk and had caused two accidents while drunk driving. Sadly, he caused his first accident earlier in the night (a big one, like a 5 car pile up). Then the guy drove off (making it a hit and run) and caused another accident about 20 minutes later, this time severely fucking himself up in the process. When they rolled him in, his legs and face were all mangled and something wasn’t right with his abdomen either. Worse, the guy was having a Vietnam flashback the entire time screaming for his buddy “Alex”. “Did Alex get out OK?” “WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR ALEX!!” The whole thing was fairly disturbing on multiple levels. Maybe drunk driving isn’t such a good idea after all…(maybe stupid government wars based on shoddy foundations aren’t a good idea, either)

-The very real Vietnam flashback above proved to be a precursor to my own BATTLEFIELD Vietnam flashback. I’ve been playing too much of this game lately (Eryn!). It’s a lot of fun, sneaking around jungles and killing people. (It’s so different than work!) I’m in love with helicopters and have now logged several hours worth of online “helo” time. I can’t wait to play again with the boys and have some 2-man hot helicopter action. Not a big fan of the jets, but love those copters. Furthermore, the best and worst feature of the whole game is the accompanying 60’s soundtrack. If I’m flying a copter, you better believe I’m rocking out to “Hush” or “War”. What’s worse, though, is that you hear each song like 50 times and if you’re a human jukebox you may or may not end up singing “I Fought the Law” or something similar into some intern’s face all night in the Emergency Department. And that kind of thing is funny to only one person involved.

-Some of you may have noticed that “Catch 22” has been by Current Read for about, oh, the entire length of this blog’s existence. Believe it or not, I’m still slowly slogging through it, albeit it at a Iwan Thomas like pace. Work has severely limited my reading time (certainly back on the dreaded wards month, anyway). It’s a good book, that Catch 22. A little slow going, but very unique. I love the guy’s odd writing style. Most of the book’s themes revolve around anti-bureaucracy and anti-military sort of stuff, which of course I can get into. There are some absolutely brilliant pieces buried within the 500 odd page text, but there’s a lot of plodding as well. I’m often amazed at how pertinent the philosophical topics are despite the fact the book was written in the 1950’s. Good stuff. Hopefully I’ll finish soon and move on to something else. Anyone have suggestions? Make your pitch now…

Till next time….

“I left my baby in the….HOT SUN…I fought the law, and the law won….I fought the law, and the ….law won….”

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