This post is really a continuation of the comments from the LAST post, but the character level (on the comments section) was maxxed and hence I'm typing my newest comment as a whole new post and all that starts right here:

Norm - that is a crazy story regarding your old web site and your work boys - yeah, I'd like to avoid all that happening. Do you keep a private journal now? (If so, can I read it? Better yet, can you read it to me while feeding me grapes?)

Liz - *YOU* may link me as Dr. Mike - that is random and therefore OK. And btw Liz, I've always been self-obsessed, just not in such a public nature...

Adam - I think that *YOU* could probably link me as well - also please use a generic name (Doc Mick or the like)

Eryn - Sadly, I don't want any link from baditude yet, namely b/c some people I know (read: Gwendolyn) here actually read your site occasionally which could lead them back...HOME. Or whatever. Anyway, I may just broach the damn idea with Gwen but if I do that then how can I talk about fun female issues? Answer: I can't. Ugh, this is already too stressful. I suppose I could just leave all that stuff out of this thing but again - the funnest and most interesting stuff to discuss is obviously going to be the stuff you want the least amount of non-close friend types seeing, at least for me. (though, oddly, Gwen certainly falls into the close friend category - I suppose there's simply too much recent stuff to include her here comfortably yet...)

Anyway, Eryn, I ask you to wait - the others, link up in random fashion. (Norm, feed me grapes, diary or no diary). Huzzah for the blogs!

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