Blogging takes work. (This is my first crack observation). I just spent 25 minutes thinking of a title for this damn thing and I'm still not satisfied. Then I spent another 10 minutes trying to figure out how to add comments (I mean, really, what is a blog without comments?). I'll be enlisting the help of the more computer savvy for this task most likely tommorrow. I just returned from Whistler, B.C. after a 3-day weekend of snowboarding, drinking, hanging with friends, and doing my best to avoid cheap drunken hook-ups. I'm happy to say I succeeded at all those tasks (for once). Canada is the coolest. Most importantly, the Philadelphia Eagles lost this weekend and all is right with the NFL. What's even better is that they consistently lose in the NFC Championship game (3 years in a row now) making them some sort of slanted variant of the 1990's Buffalo Bills.

More about my weekend in the coming days. Now its off to bed. And then to work. (Let it be known that no mundane detail of daily life is exempt from this blog).

"But they're gonna see the BIG BOARD!!!"

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