This Blog Needs an Enema

Do not adjust your monitor.

I thought this blog needed a change - a jolt of sorts - and here it is. Got a new color scheme, a new font, some new "Page Elements" including a poll (answer or die), and even a couple of new links on the side.

Penny Arcade is a column-with-web-comic site done by a couple of Seattle-based video game guys who discuss, what else, video games and their near cousins in exhausting detail. Sometimes I find the posts irrelevant, but I find the site's main writer, pseudonym 'Tycho', to be one of the better writers on the web. The comics are also solid - and occasionally spectacular. If you have any interest in video games check it out.

The Paul Tatara link is also interesting. Paul Tatara was a movie critic for several years ago while I was in medical school. He tended to dislike most mainstream fare, and had a bitter and hilarious way of putting down the common blockbuster movie in his work which I found, well, awesome. Anyway, one sad day I saw that he was leaving and I actually wrote an email to their web site passing along my thanks and kudos to the man who's reviews I had enjoyed so much. Amazingly, they passed along my email to him and he emailed me himself! We started this long email conversation about movies and entertainment. He even sent me a list of his favorites of all time which I diligently ran down on Netflix and through other means. I'd say we agree about 80% of the time, which is pretty good for me (and probably even better for him - he's pretty picky). He took a long hiatus from critiquing but is now back on the web with his own page where he posts links to his various columns and also just writes freely. His topics include movie reviews of course (both current and older), but also music and even pop culture. I must say I find him fascinating to the point of having a man-crush on him. (I've said too much.) He emailed me a few months ago about the new page and I've been meaning to link here since. If you dislike most of the generic garbage that passes for cinema these days then you'll probably enjoy reading some of his stuff.

And that's it. I've been toying with dropping the "Lord of the Funboys" moniker but I have to think about it. There can be no rash decisions on that.

With all these updates, I wasn't sure what else this blog needed at the moment. And then it came to me. A picture of Stormshadow. Yes, that's exactly the thing.

And without further ado...


Adman said...

Nice work on the page. Polls are fun.

I think you might need to work on the "labels" a bit, though. :)

I think you should only get rid of the "Lord of the Funboys" moniker if you can come up with something better. Which you can't. So don't even try.

When are you coming to the States next?

Discostup said...

Duly noted on the labels - I just trashed 'em.

I will be in the States again in May for an internist conference in Washington DC.

Adman said...

Actually, I was thinking more about the labels... My initial thought was that labels that were only used once were useless.

But if I wanted to read your post on Croatia, or Dresden, or something, the labels might come in handy. So buttons.

I do think you should get rid of the spam checker on this comment form, though. I hate these things... :)

Discostup said...

Yeah, I think I need to clean up the labels a bit, which will take time but probably be worth the effort for quickly finding things.

Spam checker, again, is only up because I used to get spam on the comments. Perhaps I'll try turning it off again in the near future and see what happens.

Unknown said...

What he's saying is his blog is more popular than your blog... though the vote count wouldn't support that conclusion. :)

I think Lord of the Funboys remains until you have bid adieu to Germany and then you can give up your crown.

Anonymous said...

Judging by your man crushes picture I think you should relinquish your Lord of the Funboys title to him...

Solid picture of Stormshadow
