The Beast is Slain

Our long national nightmare is over.

Well, sort of. I beat Bark at the Moon just a moment or so after I put up (and answered) the newest poll to the right.

Perhaps the night before provided a sign. I was driving into the hospital late, on call, and noticed a full or near full moon over the trees on the hilly road which leads to Landstuhl. There was a gray haze of cloud but the moon remained incredibly bright, straight out of a werewolf movie. I thought, is it mocking me? Do I need to stop the car and literally bark to pass the song? Is this some bizarre rite of passage? So many questions...

OK, I'm back. It wasn't pretty, but it's done. Done! It wasn't even one of my better lead ups to the final solo which vexed me for so long. (I think I was at about 70-something percent total with a wicked awesome 41 note streak. And, um, three stars...if you were wondering.) So while not quite Randy Rhoads, I am mildly proud, and I'm sure Gwendolyn is relieved, being quite tired of hearing me curse and yell repeatedly at a video game. (That isn't Madden.) Now I move on to Cowboys from Hell. But not today, people. Not today. Today I'm going to enjoy the fruits of victory, and savor the taste of this win.

In other news, I got nothing - here's an interesting little clip of news to highlight the world we live in:

"Michael Vick isn't finished dealing with his dogfighting charges. He has a state trial on June 27, rescheduled from April 2, where Vick is facing two more state felony charges. Vick is already incarcerated in a federal prison for up to 23 months, possibly up through November 2009. Now Surry County Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter says he will try to keep him locked up until 2014. Vick is definitely paying for his awful crime. Meanwhile we have Pacman Jones -- arrested or implicated in at least 10 criminal cases that involve striking women, drugs & booze, assault, coercion, resisting arrest, traffic violations & the shooting that paralyzed a man -- reportedly about to get reinstated and play for the Dallas Cowboys."

The lesson is: I hope Michael Vick burns in hell.

And with that, I'm out for today - Random Picture time:


Anonymous said...

Hoorah & Halleluiah!!!

Adman said...

Congrats, Mick... I knew you could do it. Good job.

So was that the last song? What songs do you have left to conquer?

And thanks for including an option for me on you poll... :)


Anonymous said...

Nice work! Those of us who have played guitar hero but are not at the expert level admire your prowess and dedication.

Anonymous said...

Why are there TWO picks on MY option?

Adam, are you calling Mike your boyfriend, now?

Is there something I need to know?


Anonymous said...

In honor of your random picture, Jaxon requested that I tell a story about Cartoon Megatron (what he calls him to differentiate him from Megatron from the recent movie) joining us for a trip to the park. We ended up playing soccer (Megatron's got nice footwork) with Spider-man who happened to be swinging by until Sandman showed up and tried to ruin our fun. But, Megatron and Spider-man took care of him.

Discostup said...

Interesting. I didn't know Spider-Man and Megatron teamed up these days. I also didn't know Megatron could play soccer. He looks more like a defensive end...