
The Lord of the Funboys is taking a break. While in Iraq, this all-too-public site is going to go on hiatus. But fear not, upon my return to Germany, the Lord of the Funboys will be back - and be better than ever.

Thanks to all for the readership, thoughts and support. Email me if you'd like more information (or leave a comment below), and enjoy the archives and older posts until I get back.

As my mom would say, behave, be nice, and be good. And always remember, watching "Friends" is really just another form of letting the terrorists win....

CPT Funboy, out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that The Martin turned me on to your blog. I'll be exploring the archives and anxiously awaiting your return from Iraq. I wish you all the best, Binhog.
How can I send stuff to you? I have a slightly used vibrator and some naked pictures of my ex-girlfriend I'd like to send you...