Sith, Sleeplessness, and the Spaghetti Factory

As advertised, I went and saw Star Wars last Wednesday midnight (surrounded by all manner of costumed freaks and selfless nerds - which only added to the experience). I put some rambling, post-call thoughts about the movie up on the old WCD site. Now, more rested, I'm still tossing the film around in my head, trying to see where my take on it will eventually settle out. I'm not in the mood to elaborate on it too much more right now, however. To sum up my current opinion I would say that I enjoyed the film, certainly classify it as the best of the prequels, was pleased to see at least some return to space opera form, only winced outwardly two or three times, am truly disappointed in only two scenes (of consequence), and in general feel satisfied with the result.

I do keep thinking about the movie, and I am eager to see it again. My initial viewing was dampened by fatigue (I'm doing a call-intensive ICU month), which I honestly feel prevented me from reaching the highest level of glee in taking it in (although lower expectations courtesy of the other prequels may have had a hand in that as well). It will also be nice to relax a little more on the second viewing, knowing that it doesn't completely suck, which was of course my biggest fear on opening night. More to follow.

My last few days have gone like this:

12:01 am Wed. night/Thurs. morn - saw Star Wars
3:30 am Thurs. morn - went to bed
5:45 am Thurs. morn - got up and went to work an ICU call
8:30 pm Thurs. night - got a 20 minute nap in prior to being paged again

After that I did some work on call, trying to lie down but failing (curse the pager) until about 1 am
1 am Friday morn. - went to sleep for 3 and a half hours straight! (an ICU call record, and badly needed that night)

4:30 am Friday morn - woke up from pager, began the new work day

13:00 Friday afternoon - departed work, ran a few errands, and headed home (its debatable whether I should have been driving...)

15:45 Friday afternoon - went to sleep, ah sweet wonderful sleep; prior to lying down, I had gotten exactly 6 or so hours in a 2 night span. Yuck.

The rest of this weekend has been mellow thus far. I was off today (Saturday). I slept in, then arose and went to Rosebud. Got home and read a little. (Currently, I'm reading this essay collection by David Foster Wallace, entitled "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again". The title story is his day by day account of going on a luxury cruise - it is the funniest story I have read in a good long while - I highly, highly recommend it.)

This evening I met Gwen, her brother, brother's beau (Nate), and Gwen's mom at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Seattle. Let it be known that I am no fan of the "Factory" at all. Ironically, neither is Gwen, Charles (brother), or Nate. But, Gwen's mom, being the guest of honor, got to pick the restaurant. So she got her wish, and in the process had to put up with us nay sayers and our thinly veiled disdain at eating at the place, the consequence of which was rather amusing. Also funny was the fact that it was prom night for the local teens, which made for hilarious observations of the adolescent sub-culture. (And we all just about died when we learned that Nate (who is CLEARLY gay) went to like 5 proms, 2 as a junior, and 3 as a senior, all with different women from different high schools. He was some sort of prom master. I can totally see it - he was the archetype doesn't-realize-he's- gay-guy in his early days, but was very talkative and sensitive and friends with all the girls. Classic. Simply classic. We were all in stitches about this over dinner.)

Tomorrow I begin a 4 day military medic course based on trauma care "in the field". I'm not really looking forward to it, but it gets me out of 4 days of ICU work (meaning no call), which is a plus. And with that I'm off to bed.

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