Make-a-Mick Smile. First post from 1610 Belmont Ave – got it. Not too much to say on this new post. I’m hitting the nadir of my caffeine ingestion for the morning and hence my typing is fast and frantic. It’s nice to be off work today, especially since it’s a beautiful day and I’ll be happily avoiding the president-visits-my-work circus.

Unbelievable the stops they pull out for the guy. They replanted everything in the planters where he’ll be entering the building. They washed all the outer windows. They put up view obstructing cloth and paper on every window and doorway where he’ll be walking buy (presumably to prevent snipers from taking him out – in a hospital – on a military base – can’t be too careful these days, I guess). They took out all the newspaper and soda machines and such along his path (some of them were probably laced with explosives). They’re reserved 2 ICU beds, just in case. Then they swept the parking lot and finally, they replaced all the signs (yup, all the STOP signs and NO PARKING signs are brand spanking new). So now the stop signs in the parking lot are redder than red. Why did they do all this? Not sure, but the president’s coming! Back breaking labor for young enlisted folks over the past three days just so the president can roll in for an hour or two and then leave. Will he notice anything? Probably not. Though I hear he likes to look at shiny things, so there might be a childlike google at the site of one of those new stop signs…

Gwen and I spent some time last night cleaning up the new apartment last night – it’s really starting to come together. I’ll post some pics up soon, hopefully. Today is loaded with various moving errands. I can’t wait to dump off tons of stuff at Goodwill today and be done with it forever. I have a new hatred of “stuff”. If it’s not routinely used, get rid of it, I say. I’ve halved my wardrobe – tossed an infinite amount of old receipts – hell I’m sitting with a trashbag full of papers at my shredder doing my best Enron impression as we speak. Sorry to say, the old Nintendo 64 will no longer be with me. That’s good bye to goldeneye and wrasslin’, possibly forever. I find that those old cartridges rust up over time so I don’t even know if they’re playable anymore. For good measure, I booted up that ancient lap top the other night – the one where Adam made his wrasslin’ program for us to keep stats. Oh, what a trip down memory lane. Buff Bagwell, Macho Man, Kevin Nash, P-Keg, Sumo-jo, and the rest. Life will be different without them. But it’s time. A hell of a program, Adman, once again. I’m glad to know that the game will be retired with me leading the power rankings…

With this move, I will officially have lived in 17 different abodes. That’s 6 places from age 0 to age 18, 8 total places in San Diego, and now 4 more since. (I know that adds up to 18, but my parent’s old house in San Diego counts for 2 of those categories, dammit!) The journey comprises 5 states. That’s a lot of moving – I guess I should be good it by now. Also consider my parents have lived in 3 different houses in two different states since leaving San Diego, and I don’t even know what home is anymore. Come to think of it, the simple question “Where are you from?” is sort of a long-winded answer coming from me.

OK, time to get moving before Friday traffic is out of control.

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