Travel Madness

Gwen and I are sitting in the Amsterdam Airport at a flight lounge. Six Euros has bought me 30 minutes of internet time. Today is to be a travel day for the ages in an attempt to get to a wedding tomorrow.

Our tentative plan:

Frankfurt --> Amsterdam --> New York (change airports: JFK to La Guardia) --> Chicago ---> Grand Rapids (finally).

Our supposed arrival time is around midnight Michigan time. Sitting here, however, and due to foul weather in the Northeast, we've learned our flight from La Guardia to Chicago has been cancelled. Now we're trying to figure out other options. Sounds like its going to be a rough day.

The wedding is tomorrow at 3 pm....

Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grand Rapids aye Mick, i know it well, my folks live in Holland. Have a great time!