Busy Week

So my big plans on Tuesday to post multiple times while on call were foiled by the fact that call was simply too busy. I was on my feet for at least 28 of the 32 hours I worked from Tuesday at 6:30 am until Wednesday at 2:30 pm. Lots of standing and lots of running around. Lots of sick people. And no sleep.

I watched a 37 year old lady with end-stage HIV die because she was bleeding into her brain. The pressure of the blood in her skull (intracranial pressure) caused her brain to herniate out the bottom of the skull where the spinal cord comes out. Prognosis - bad. The massive bleed killed her, and there was nothing to be done about it. It was obviously quite sad.

I drove home yesterday at about 2:30 pm, sleepy as all hell from another 32 hours of straight wakefulness. I didn't crash. I got home and went to bed. Woke up for some dinner, and then went back to bed. And went back to work today. And now I'm home again. And I'm on call again tomorrow. And there it is.

Gwen and I re-watched Napolean Dynamite again the other night. That movie cracks me up. The movie is genius at delivering a modern-day subculture without being self aware. (Contrast this film with a similar hypothetical film starring Adam Sandler called "the hick days of Idaho" or something). Plus, I think the film has a genuine good heart. And it ends with that song "The Promise" by When in Rome, which is possibly the coolest 80's song ever. (Or at least tied with "Land of Confusion.")

"Back in 1982, I could throw a football a quarter mile..."

Tonight, I'm looking forward to a little Counter-Strike (hopefully with Eryn and Adam). Then it's off to bed early in preparation for more call! Yes!

Gwen and I hit the bookstore on Sunday when I found out I was going to Germany. I bougtht the Lonely Planet "Germany" guide and some other "Crossing Cultures" book which teaches readers all about intermingling with German peeps. The selling point of the book is the tagline on the back. It reads "Enjoy Germany and it's culture without feeling like a Dummkopf". Best ever.

It's odd to think that in a year I might spend a weekend off taking a train to Paris. Or Prague. I could be into that...


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